• 01-5185163 | 5185304
  • sudeshaschool2041@gmail.com
  • Nakhu, Lalitpur, Nepal

Middle & Senior Curriculum

Sudesha School’s middle school (grades 6-8) and secondary school (grades 9-10) curricula follow the national curriculum designed by the government of Nepal, delivered through an activity-based experimental approach. Along with the national curriculum, local curriculums, SQC (School Quality Circle), PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education), and social service are an integral part of our middle school and secondary school curriculums.


Using social service, SQC, and PSHE mechanisms, the school has created a system to practice social responsibility, personality development, and leadership skills, promoting social behaviors and understanding in students. Sudesha School also coordinates with organizations like FOZ, Quest Nepal, Rotary Club, British Council, Karkhana, etc. to connect students’ learning with real-world experiences and research-based approaches. Educational excursions and field trips are significant for research-based learning and field inquiry-based learning approaches, creating knowledge.


The middle school and secondary school curricula are designed to integrate international dimensions of learning, ensuring international-level learning practices. Sudesha School focuses on providing a comprehensive and diverse learning experience to students, emphasizing not only academic development but also social and emotional growth, leadership skills, and global understanding.