• 01-5185163 | 5185304
  • sudeshaschool2041@gmail.com
  • Nakhu, Lalitpur, Nepal

ECA (Extracurricular Activities)

Sudesha School places great emphasis on activity-based learning and recognizes the importance of extracurricular activities in the overall development of its students. In addition to the mainstream curriculum prescribed by the government of Nepal, Sudesha offers various extracurricular activities to cater to the diverse interests and talents of its students.


Physical education is an essential component of the curriculum and aims to instill in students the value of fitness and discipline. Sudesha offers various sports like football, volleyball, basketball, cricket, table tennis, and chess to engage students in physical activities and develop their sportsmanship skills.


Music and dance classes are also an integral part of Sudesha’s extracurricular activities as they provide a platform for students to explore and develop their creativity. Art and drawing classes are also offered to nurture the artistic skills of the students.


Sudesha also offers Scout classes to promote social service and personality development among students. The school collaborates with the Nepal Scouts and organizes camps and activities to instill the principles of scouting in students.


While Sudesha emphasizes cooperation over competition, it also organizes various in-school and inter-school competitions like drawing, free-writing, quiz, debate, dance, singing, exhibitions, and spelling contests to provide students with exposure and opportunities for holistic development. These competitions are organized at the house, class, and individual levels to enhance students’ learning experiences.