• 01-5185163 | 5185304
  • sudeshaschool2041@gmail.com
  • Nakhu, Lalitpur, Nepal

Club Based Activities


√ Sudesha Eco-Club (In association with FOZ, Friends of Zoo)

For leadership development and learning about nature and natural conservation with direct connection and guidance of FOZ and NTNC, with participation on the programs like Animal Feeding, A Day with a Vet, Night Guided Tours, Zoo visits, Plantation, etc.


√ Students Quality Circle (SQC)

For finding their own problems, analyzing the problems using different research based tools, finding root causes, and solving their problems by themselves, and develop personality to become Total Quality Person (TQP), along with the development of leadership skills.


√ Interact Club of Sudesha

The club of young pupils working under the umbrella of Rotary Clubs for social services, welfares, and positive change making in the locality and beyond. Works like plantation, fund raising and donating for victims of any disasters, cleaning campaigns, book distributions, volunteering, etc.


√ Sudesha Scout

Practices of the philosophies and paradigms of Scouts incorporating social welfare, value based education, life skills, and safety & emergency aids.


√ Sudesha Literature Club and Board of Editors

Fostering and demonstrating the literary writings of pupils through Writers’ Chautari and providing updates on school events through Weekly Magazines.


√ Sudesha Quiz Club

Updating the students embodying with the national, international current affairs, and general knowledge based ideas, and updates through the weekly bulletin, along with the collaboration with the school admin and teachers for sooth conduction of Co-curricular activities and competitions.